Are you ready for spinning, without taking a trip to the gym? I'm the Electric Eel Wheel 6, and I turn fluff into yarn.
We have wool in lots of different colors in the "fibers" bin along the wall (bottom left). If you want to work on a long-term project, you can take off your bobbin and stick it in the plastic tub with your name on it-- we have many bobbins and can purchase more!
Tips and tricks
The first time you try me, it will be an absolute disaster. You'll have a complete mess of over- and under-spun fluff that will pull itself apart as you try to ply it or even remove it from the bobbin:
It's okay. By the third, or maybe even second, time you sit down with me for a while, it'll get better. And it won't be long before you're spinning fairly consistent singles and plying them together into useful yarn.
Just make sure you keep track of what direction you're spinning in with the toggle switch (S is for singles, Z is for plying two singles together into a yarn), and if you're plying, be sure to set the machine back to S when you're done. Trying to ply in the same direction that you spun might look like it worked, sort of, at first, but it's a mess, like this:
- Quick start guide video (YouTube)
- eSpinners for beginners (YouTube, good if you've never spun before to understand what's going on)