Visit to the Digital Justice Lab

Quinn Dombrowski, March 17th 2023

As part of a retreat for the Data-Sitters Club, Textile Makerspace director Quinn Dombrowski visited Prof. Jacque Wernimont's Digital Justice Lab at Dartmouth, and was inspired by Molly Morin's KnitLab project there... read more

Makerspace Annex impacted by flood

Quinn Dombrowski, March 8th 2023

A faulty water fountain on the 3rd floor of Pigott Hall led to collapsed ceiling tiles on the 1st floor of the building, including the newly-renamed Textile Makerspace Annex AKA Quinn's office. The 1960's LeClerc Mira loom... read more

Textile Makerspace at Library 'Technology' pop-up exhibit

Quinn Dombrowski, March 7th 2023

The Textile Makerspace brought its loom and knitting machines to Hohbach Hall for the Special, Unique and Rare: Technology pop-up exhibit, giving visitors a chance to try out this textile technology. ... read more

LeClerc Mira counterbalance loom comes to the Textile Makerspace

Quinn Dombrowski, March 1st 2023

Newly arrived at the Textile Makerspace is a 45" ~1960s vintage LeClerc Mira counterbalance loom, which was so wide it had to be partially disassembled to get through the door. The loom is the first piece of equipment to be stationed in the newly-renamed Textile Makerspace Annex... read more

Textile Makerspace celebrates data and textiles at the Love Data Week Fair

Quinn Dombrowski, February 14th 2023

The Textile Makerspace participated in the Love Data Week Fair on Valentine's Day, with a station dedicated to textiles and data. As part of the event, we surveyed library staff, followers on Mastodon and on Twitter... read more

Textile Makerspace hosts a blanket-making volunteer activity

Quinn Dombrowski, February 2nd 2023

The Textile Makerspace hosted a Hands-On Bay Area no-sew blanket-making volunteer activity on February 2nd, with optional additional embroidery or appliqué for those inspired to do so. The blankets will be donated to local shelters for our unhoused neighbors... read more

Textile Makerspace gets a Brother KX-350 knitting machine

Quinn Dombrowski, January 11th 2023

Thanks to a generous gift from Ryan Lieu from Stanford Libraries' Preservation group, the Textile Makerspace now has a Brother KX-350 knitting machine! Come by to try it out. ... read more

making@stanford grant for the Textile Makerspace

Quinn Dombrowski, November 17th 2022

We are excited to share the news that the Textile Makerspace has received one of the pilot making@stanford grants, as part of a joint proposal with Miller Makers (at the Hopkins Marine Station) and the Terman MakerBar (in the engineering library)... read more

Textile Makerspace at the Library's Textiles Pop-Up

Quinn Dombrowski, November 8th 2022

On November 8th, the Textile Makerspace held a hands-on pop-up event as part of Stanford Libraries Special, Unique and Rare: Textiles and Fashion event in Hohbach Hall. We brought perler beads and had patterns from vintage weaving manuals on hand... read more

Textile Makerspace welcomes David Wrisley

Quinn Dombrowski, October 21st 2022

On October 21st, digital humanities scholar and multilingual DH activist David Wrisley visited the Textile Makerspace from NYU Abu Dhabi, reuniting with Dr. Cheese Bones, the Textile Makerspace skeleton who won the award for most innovative poster at the DH 2019 conference... read more